
Do you know an animal that is black and white? It is a Panda!!!🐼

I am going to tell you a little about Pandas. Here are some facts about Pandas!😎 Pandas are mammals. They get up to 4 or 5 feet! They like to climb trees, and eat bamboo. A cool fact is pandas are a lot like cats!!!😎 I hope you learned more about these awesome animals!!!!πŸ˜ƒ

Hard Work Pays Off!!!πŸŽ–



Some people think that school is all for nothing, and sports are for nothing. They think it is a waste of time. But I think that sports and school are not for nothing. There just a little work that’s all. I think hard work pays off.

One reason I think this is once when I was at gymnastics I only did 1 hour and I thought that 1 hour was not enough time to do gymnastics. So I did a 2 hour class. It was more work but I got more practice in. I learned that if I practice more than I could get better.


Another time is when my sitter Anna was behind in school. She had to have a tutor. She need some help on math. With a little help on math, Β she got herself back on track. It even refreshed her memory over the summer, so she was not behind!

So some people think work is for nothing, but it really helps you get better at things! Β I think hard work pays off!

MEET MEGAN M.!!!!!!!!!🐬

Meet Megan M.!!!!! Β Megan’s first and middle name are Megan Grace. Some things about Megan is that she is the only kid! Some things that Megan does is she loves to swim, play the guitar, do gymnastics, and dance.🎸 Somthing that is special about Megan is that her father is not her birth father, she had to get a doner so she could be born! Something that Megan did in the past year is she moved to Hudsonville! If Megan had a million dollars then she would give some of it to Heifer International. And she would give some of it to the Red Cross. If Megan did somthing to help the world is she would give peace to the world. Now you know more about Megan M!πŸ˜ŽπŸŠπŸ»πŸŽ–